Team Spirit
The Men’s Premier Division and 1st Division Blue players celebrated the season’s break last Saturday night with a meal of crayfish and BBQ sausages, along with a few quiet drinks. Ladies who generously prepared a salad for the occasion also joined the festivities. The crayfish were generously donated by Shane Loftus.
The Premier team also took this opportunity to present Chris Lander with the 1st Division Players Trophy, which he won for the 2019/20 season.
For the past three seasons the Premier side has collected money through excess bus hire fees and a steady array of fines levied to players after each game. 1st Division Blue joined in the fun last season with their own bus rides and levied fines, and of course introduced the infamous “crab award” for a player who does something particularly noticeable but for the wrong reasons! Danny Condon selflessly donates his time to drive the bus.
All costs for Saturday’s celebration were funded from the player’s accumulated funds and the Club appreciates the teams making use of our facilities and generating substantial bar sales for the night!
A great initiative and one that brings players together and drives team spirit.