Community Bowls at Sorrento Bowling Club

Community Bowls are played every Tuesday evening commencing on 14th November 2023 with a Christmas/New Year break and finishing Tuesday 26th March 2024. Click here to view the 2023-2024 information sheet.  Entries have closed as the listing is now full.

Nominations Team nominations are now closed as the listing is fully booked.

Nominations are simply made by emailing the club and identifying your team’s name, nominated representative, his or her email address and their mobile number. Please make your email to the attention of Pauline at and in the subject line enter the heading ‘Community Bowls’.

Teams Teams comprise of four players, though players can change from week to week. Please ensure that you have the correct number of players each week. Regular pennant bowlers are not eligible to play.
Dress All players can wear casual clothing, however, Club rules restrict footwear to either bowling shoes or barefoot. Socks are also allowed.
Cost Team nominations are $80 payable on opening day, 9th November. Players pay a weekly charge of $12 payable on arrival.
Game Time Games commence at 7.00 pm and players will be required on the greens by 6.50 pm. Games finish at approximately 9.00 pm followed by team awards in the clubhouse.
Sausage Sizzle Weekly player payments include a pre-game sausage sizzle which is served at 6.30 pm.
Bowls Players play with two bowls each and the Club has a selection of second-hand bowls that are available for use at no cost.
Wet Weather Games are rarely cancelled, however, in the case of excessive rain the greenkeeper may close the greens for their protection. Teams will be notified by text should this situation arise.
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