Men’s Fours Championship

The Men’s Fours Club Championship was completed on Sunday 28th November under initially warm, then slightly breezy, mild conditions. Finals comprised 18 ends.

The first semi-final between Greg Taylor’s team of Egon Mikolajczyk, Lindsay Baker and Phil Bilich, and Wayne Gray’s team of Peter Crow, Brian Lucas and Wayne Morrell, was won handsomely by team Taylor, who moved out quickly to a lead of 15 to nil and then slowly increased the margin through to the match being called after the 16th end.

The second semi-final, between last year’s winners Bruce Eagles, Ian Linford, Russell Lockwood and Matt Sharrett, and Chris Lander, Ross Cunningham, Warren Elliott and Kevin McKersey was a closer affair. Bruce gained a lead of 15-4 after 11 ends, and, while Chris’ team fought back to 18-14 down after 17 ends they were unable to bring real pressure in the last end and Bruce ran out the winner by 18-15.

The final was a much closer affair throughout.  Bruce’s team twice were up by four shots, but each time Greg’s four pulled back to square within a couple of ends. The game was still in the balance at 18-17 in favour of the Taylor four after 17 ends, but Bruce’s team were holding the tying shot with just the skips’ second bowls to come. Bruce looked to move the kitty back half a metre which would have given them two shots and potential victory, but his bowl, while on the money, only succeeded in slicing the kitty at a very tight angle, away from his bowls to give Greg the win.  The final result (20-17) sees the names Greg Taylor, Egon Mikolajczyk, Lindsay Baker and Phil Bilich being added to the Men’s Fours honour roll. It’s the first Club Championship win for both Lindsay and Phil.