St Vincent de Paul
The Greenwood branch of the St Vincent De Paul Society held a very successful fundraiser at Sorrento Bowling Club on Sunday 7th November. Vinnies provide financial and other assistance to needy residents in the Greenwood, Girrawheen and Koondoola areas.
Society members invited relatives and friends to visit our Club for an evening of bowls followed by fellowship. Each visitor paid an entry fee and brought a plate of finger food to share. There were about 90 people present, including 60-70 bowlers who withstood the icy winds.
Bowls ran from 5.00pm until 6.30pm followed by fellowship, which included silent auctions and a raffle. The evening concluded by 8.30pm.
Many favourable comments were heard about our Club thanks to our great bar staff and six very willing volunteers, lead by volunteer organiser Ken Giles and almost permanent volunteer Alex Third. A couple of visitors even enquired about Club memberships.
It was a win/win situation for the Club and Vinnies. After paying our normal bowls hire fees Vinnies were still happy with a good financial result. It was another opportunity for Sorrento Bowling Club to support worthwhile community groups.