
A big thank you to the new bowlers for the 2021 season in what turned out to be a glorious morning (the weather gods were on our side again) for Scroungers last Sunday. The new players made for great numbers as we had a full six rinks.

Round winners were Spider Webb, Charmain Harris, Dreads Walton, Bob Jeffs, Helen Teasdale and Kevin Coffey. The first semi saw Bob defeat Spider and Charmain. At the end of the the second semi, Helen was on 10 with Dreads and Kevin tied on 11 so they had a one bowl shoot out – LEFT HANDED – with Kevin being knocked up closer to the jack by Dreads.

The final saw Bob defeat Kevin 7 to 5 (both pictured above). The lucky draw for the bottle of wine was won by Wendy Flack and there are only two left.

Thanks to Shelley and Bob Jeffs for the sausages and Trish and Danny for the cooking. Also big thanks to Ron Taylor for opening the club and the Green staff for preparing A green. Glenn and Trish are away next week but Bob and Kevin have put their hand up to run it so thanks to those two.