Quarter Finalists
Huge congratulations to Lee Leach and Coral Smith who played off in the quarter finals of the Women’s Over 60s Pairs in the Australian Open, played in Queensland. Unfortunately our ladies went down to the 2019 winners but we’re very proud of your achievement!!
Tuesday the 22nd June saw the start of the Women’s Over 60’s Pairs at Southport Bowling Club, where Lee Leach and Coral Smith were fortunate to come through their Section against teams from Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales.
Knockout games commenced on Wednesday the 23rd at Musgrave Bowling Club and saw Lee and Coral drawn to play their first game against ladies from NSW. It resulted in an amazing win as they started off 11 shots down before taking control of the game and going on to defeat their opponents 19/15.
On to their second knockout game within the last 16 teams, Lee and Coral came up against ladies from Tasmania. A good start to the game for them, but not long before the Tasmanian girls caught up on shots. On the last end Lee and Coral were holding 13/11, it was a bit touch and go as Tasmania drew the shot and possibly had another bowl with a measure for second, but with her last bowl coming into the head the Tasmanian skip pushed the Sorrento bowl ahead to give Lee and Coral the game and a final score of 14/11.
On to quarter finals, with the games getting tougher their opponents for this game were two ladies from Queensland who were the
reigning champions of the Over 60’s pairs. Queensland took charge of the game straight away, and were 8 shots up before Coral and Lee came into the game with a 2 shot end. Excellent bowling from these two ladies continued but Coral and Lee fought on to the last end which resulted in a win for the Queensland ladies of 21/12.
A great experience to come through their Section, then on to the last eight of the Knockout games. Lee and Coral were delighted with their efforts in the Australian Open Over 60’s Women’s Pairs.