Dash for Cash
The weather was perfect last Saturday for our first Men’s Dash for Cash 2022. In total, 24 teams took part, playing four games of 10 ends each. Final results were:
First place: B. Eagles, M. Hulbert, P. Bradshaw, B. Bradshaw (12 points) (pictured above)
Second place: A. Davis, R. Palmer, B. Marshall, G. Hanna (9 points, +27)
Third place: B. Nairn, M. Sharrett, B. Fleiser, G. Bayne (9 points, +25)
Morning winners: R. Mulroy, L. Baker, M. McCavanagh, P. Bilich (6 points, +15)
Afternoon winners: P. Flack, A. Anderson, J. Godfrey, J. Welch (6 points, +16)
Game 1: B. Stewart, A. Third, P. Blake, R. Lockwood (+14)
Game 2: P. Knight, S. Fewster, S. Beckwith, G. Cox (+16)
Game 3: M. Hughes, J. Scammell, A. Lewis, F. Martin (+13)
Game 4: J. Bartorillo, G. Booker, McMahon, J. Cowell (+15)
A huge thank you to our long term sponsor of this event, Safeway Security Screens, and to all the volunteers who work to make it run so smoothly. See you at the next Dash for Cash on Saturday 24th June.