July Dash for Cash
The wettest July in Perth for decades made the likelihood of holding the third scheduled Dash for Cash of 2021 an unlikely proposition, particularly as a couple of cold fronts passed through Perth earlier in the week, but a decision was taken on Thursday to proceed, trusting in the slightly more optimistic forecast for Saturday to remain largely dry. A couple of teams elected to drop out, but 24 teams of hardy men turned out for the event, sponsored again by Safeway Security Screens, on Saturday the 31st July.
Four rounds of 10 ends were played, with a soup-and-a-roll lunch provided by our team of volunteers being especially welcome to enable some thawing of cold bowlers. Ultimately, play was completed with only a brief break for a passing shower in the early afternoon. The greens (E and C) proved playable, albeit quite slow, as would be expected in the middle of this wet winter.
Prize money was widely distributed, as usual, with the winners as listed below:-
1st Overall R Moyle, J Gilchrist, M Hansen, M Leed 4 wins + 15 shots
2nd P Snow, B Keily, B Stewart, G Bayne 4 wins + 11 shots
3rd M Sweeney, J Post, S Richards, A Zis 3 wins + 28 shots
Morning M Lemos, N West, J Lorencs, T Need 2 wins + 23 shots
Afternoon P Walker, M Sharrett, J Konig, F Tyson 2 wins + 8 shots
Round 1 K McIlroy, D Hayden, G Hayden, J Slavich + 11 shots
Round 2 B Mulroy, L Baker, M McCavana, P Bilich + 10 shots
Round 3 J O’Brien, J Nathan, K Schuller, G Winter + 5 shots
Round 4 B Nairn, R Munt, D Smith, A Garlic + 13 shots
Many thanks are due to Trevor and Anne Orton for their general input, collecting entry money and in undertaking scoring duties. Thanks also to the ladies who catered wonderfully for morning tea and lunch. There were many players commenting on the great quality of the food provided.
Our particular gratitude goes to Barry Bradshaw’s Safeway Security Screens for their on-going sponsorship of Dash for Cash events, first started 11 years ago. The last competition of this year’s series is scheduled for Saturday 28th August.